Aggies Encouraged To Wear Denim On April 28

April is Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Month, a national initiative that is now in its 20th year of official observance. As a part of its programming and engagement, Health Promotion is inviting Aggies to participate in Denim Day on April 28.
Denim Day is the longest running sexual violence prevention and education campaign in history. The campaign was created in response to a rape conviction that was overturned in 1992 by the Italian Supreme Court. The justices said that since the victim was wearing tight jeans, she must have helped the person who raped her remove them, thereby implying consent. Since then, wearing jeans on Denim Day has served as a visible means of protest against misconceptions that surround sexual violence.
Wear denim on April 28 to show your support for sexual violence awareness and prevention.
Share a photo on social media and share why you observe Denim Day. Use the hashtags #TAMUDenimDay and #SAPAMTAMU.
For educational tools, resources, and local or national organizations to follow related to interpersonal violence prevention, visit the Books That Speak Out LibGuide through Texas A&M Libraries: