Travel, Meeting and Event Updates
March 20, 2020, 4:00 p.m. CDT
Faculty, Staff and Students,
Please see the following operational updates for March 20. Please continue to consult the Central COVID Website for up-to-date information.
Ongoing reminder for social distancing and meetings of less than 10 for faculty, staff, students and student workers: Stay at least six feet away from each other, and do not schedule in-person meetings involving more than 10 people. Student workers, including graduate assistants assisting faculty in person (e.g. helping faculty move courses to online instruction and research) are reminded to keep this top of mind.
Suspended classes will resume March 23 online. Faculty prepare for online delivery of instruction including labs.
March 23 – May 10
Classes are online.
With approval, limited graduate classes may continue with in-person instruction if less than 10 students are involved and with adequate accommodations for social distancing.
Final exams will not be taken in person.
April 4 – May 31
- Please continue to consult the Central COVID-19 website for updates.
- Visitors should not come on campus.
- Impact examples during this time:
- No on-campus recruiting
- No campus tours
- No intercollegiate competitions
- Family Weekend canceled
- Final Review canceled
- Muster ceremonies online
- May Commencements postponed
- Third-party events canceled
- MS-150 bike race canceled
- One Hope Concert canceled
March 23 – June 30
Education abroad with departure dates in this range are canceled. This includes May-mesters.
Until Further Notice
- University-sponsored international and domestic travel is prohibited until further notice. Exceptions to business travel prohibition may be requested for “mission critical” travel needs. Requests must be submitted via Concur at least five business days prior to travel.
- Personal international and domestic travel is strongly discouraged.