President Young Names 2019 Presidential Professors

Dr. Paul Busch, professor of marketing and Texas A&M University System Regents Professor, and Dr. Rick Giardino, professor of geology and geophysics, water management and hydrological science, have been named recipients of the 2019 Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence Award, the most prestigious faculty honor bestowed by Texas A&M University.
The award is conferred upon distinguished faculty by Texas A&M University President Michael K. Young and reflects the recipients’ stellar career and accomplishments in accelerating and advancing knowledge in the classroom.
“I am especially pleased to recognize Dr. Paul Busch and Dr. Rick Giardino as this year’s award recipients,” said President Young. “Each professor is known for teaching excellence and for providing transformational learning opportunities to our students. We are grateful to them for their exemplary work that will carry on in the impact that their students will have on the world as a result.”
About the award
The Presidential Professor for Teaching Excellence designation was created in 2003 to recognize educators in perpetuity for their sustained excellence and fundamental contributions to student advancement in independent thinking, creative imagination, lifetime learning and knowledge based on discovery.
Each award carries a one-time, after-tax stipend of $25,000. Awardees bear the designation for the remainder of their career. To be eligible, nominees must be full time faculty and hold the rank of Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor or Distinguished Professor.
Paul S. Busch
Paul Busch, professor of marketing and regents professor in the Department of Marketing, has long been recognized for teaching excellence, winning both the 2007 and 2008 Distinguished Achievement Awards for Teaching from the Association of Former Students. He was nationally recognized with the 2013 Academy of Marketing Science Outstanding Marketing Teacher award and has been lauded for his innovative techniques and teaching philosophies that focus on student care, engagement and personal development. He is described as a consummate classroom teacher who brings creativity, energy and a dedication to making a difference in the lives of his students.
Dr. Busch served as head of the marketing department from 1986 to 1996 and has received accolades throughout his service of more than three decades.
He earned his Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University.
John R. (Rick) Giardino
Rick Giardino, professor of geology and geophysics, water management and hydrological science in the College of Geosciences, has been called an innovative, gifted and ingenious classroom instructor. He is described as a generous mentor for all students and an innovator in the classroom. Colleagues and students cited his deeply reflective care and focus on high quality instruction as keys to both his success, and theirs.
He is widely known as a passionate student advocate who has energetically leveraged his experience and leadership positions to better serve students and enhance the educational mission of the university.
Giardino has served Texas A&M with distinction as a professor, dean and department head, while maintaining an active schedule teaching, conducting research, serving on committees and more.
Giardino earned his Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln.