
  • Shedding Light On Cognitive Aging

    By Vandana Suresh, Texas A&M University Marketing & Communications A neuroscientist combines novel genetic and engineering tools to explore age-related decline in mental skills Why does aging cause severe deterioration in memory and thinking abilities in some people and not in others? Neuroscientist William Griffith, PhD, Regents…

  • Depression, Anxiety Related To Lower Breast Cancer Screening Rate

    Researchers examine how psychological distress like depression and anxiety can affect preventive care in older adults. By Rae Lynn Mitchell, Texas A&M University School of Public Health For adults over 65, staying healthy means following recommendations on several preventive care services, ranging from blood pressure and cholesterol checks to cancer…

  • A Little-Known Enzyme Might Hold The Key To Cancer Drug Targeting

    An enzyme overexpressed in cancer can be both a marker of the disease and a way to target the cancerous tumor. By Christina Sumners, Texas A&M University Health Science Center A type of enzyme that you’ve probably never heard of, called matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), could be key to the development…

  • Why Do Paper Cuts Hurt So Much?

    A boy with a paper cut. (Suzanne Tucker/Shutterstock) By Gabriel Neal, Texas A&M University College of Medicine, for The Conversation Consider, for a moment, the paper cut. It happens suddenly and entirely unexpectedly, usually just as you are finally getting somewhere on that task you had been putting off. Recall your…

  • Can Studying Autism Also Yield Clues About Addiction?

    By Christina Sumners, Texas A&M University Health Science Center Drug addiction and autism may not seem to have much in common. However, Laura N. Smith, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Neuroscience and Experimental Therapeutics at the Texas A&M College of Medicine, studies…

  • Your Social Life, Or Lack Thereof, Can Affect Your Health

    By Dominic Hernandez, Texas A&M University Health Science Center According to a nationwide survey, nearly half of Americans report feeling aloneor left out, and one in four Americans rarely feel as though there are people who really understand them. More and more people are feeling lonely every day,…

  • How Much Sodium Is Too Much?

    Cape Town, South Africa, chef adding salt to pot of boiling water. (Getty Images) By Dominic Hernandez, Texas A&M University Health Science Center Pop quiz. If you were making a conscious effort to watch your sodium, and you’re stuck grabbing lunch at a fast food restaurant, which should you order:…

  • Juul: Why A Trendy E-Cig Is Causing A Social – And Public Health – Commotion

    A man and a woman holding a Juul device. (Vaping360.com) By Amy Lauren Fairchild, Texas A&M University Health Science Center, for The Conversation The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has launched a campaign to discourage e-cigarette vaping. While it targeted all e-cigarette vaping, the campaign makes a powerful visual…

  • Study: Delivering Medicine And Test Kits Via Drone Could Reduce Costs, Improve Care For Rural Patients

    Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Quadcopter Drone Carrying First Aid Package In The Air. Rae Lynn Mitchell, Texas A&M University School of Public Health Chronic diseases like arthritis, diabetes and heart disease are a persistent concern, with more than 100 million Americans having one or more chronic condition. In addition to…

  • Healthy South Texas Tackles Rio Grande Valley Food Deserts

    By Dominic Hernandez, Texas A&M University Health Science Center A food desert is a place in a rural area where a person must travel 10 or more miles to access fresh fruit and vegetables, according to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). In an urban area,…