Voluntary Vaccine Incentive Program Open To Texas A&M Community
Take the following three-to-four steps and you will be set to enter a drawing in which you can select a prize of your choice:
- Be fully vaccinated.
- If you’re not, schedule an appointment on campus for the vaccine at no cost or find a vaccine site anywhere in Texas through this website.
- Log on to this portal for Texas A&M’s *Voluntary Vaccine Incentive Program and answer a few questions before Oct. 14.
- Wait for your phone to ring around Oct. 15. Winners will be required to show proof of vaccination.
The potential outcome isn’t just about the substantial financial prize. It’s about potentially saving your life and/or the lives of the people you love: Fully vaccinated individuals are 10 times less likely to be hospitalized or die from COVID-19, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Students: Five students will receive an award worth $14,500 to go toward education-related expenses at Texas A&M (tuition, fees and on-campus room and board).
Eligible employees can enter the random drawing to win two football Flex Packs, a $500 gift card to Barnes and Noble on campus, a campus parking permit, membership to the Student Recreation Center or season tickets for OPAS or the Brazos Valley Symphony.
There’s a recommended three-to-four-week interval before getting the second shot for Moderna and Pfizer (Johnson & Johnson requires one). The different vaccines are outlined by the CDC.
With only 29 days until the drawing, unvaccinated individuals now have only four weeks to get both shots (if getting Moderna or Pfizer), so you will need to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to allow time for the second vaccination. Vaccines are available at Student Health Services at no cost for students and employees.
Eligibility for the drawing is detailed in the terms and conditions for students* and employees*.
If you lost your vaccination card, try contacting your vaccine provider directly and ask them to obtain a copy of it from the Texas Immunization Registry, which keeps vaccine records for the Texas Department of State Health Services.
Regular updates related to COVID-19 are posted on this guidance page, including what a student or employee should do if they test positive for the virus, as well as what to do if you have had close contact with a person who tests positive.
*This link is no longer active and has been removed.