1. Texas A&M To Open New Drug Development Facility
When we take a medication, we assume it is safe, that it has no stray contaminants and that it really does have the chemical that we think it does, and in the amounts stated on the label. The same is true—and perfect dosing might be even more important—when creating a drug for human clinical trials. That’s why these products need to be created in what is called a good manufacturing practice laboratory, or GMP for short.
2. Texas A&M’s Step In. Stand Up. Campaign Earns NASPA Excellence Award
The National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA) has selected Texas A&M University as 2017 Bronze Excellence Award Honoree for the “Step In. Stand Up.” sexual assault awareness campaign and related educational efforts on campus. The association created the Excellence Awards to recognize student affairs practitioners who develop transformative, innovative and data-driven programs at the institutional level.
3. Three Texas A&M Graduates Honored With Top Awards
Texas A&M University recently recognized three students with the highest honors given to graduating seniors at the Learning Communities, Academic Excellence, Undergraduate Research Opportunities, National Fellowships, Capstones and Honors Programs (LAUNCH) Recognition Ceremony as well as commencement.
4. Law School Professor Presides Over 16th World Water Conference
Fresh off the XVI World Water Congress, Professor Gabriel Eckstein, who presided over the five-day event as Chair of the International Scientific Committee, said the conference achieved its mission and then some.
5. Six Texas A&M Faculty Honored For Teaching Excellence
The Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE) at Texas A&M University recently held its inaugural Aggies Celebrate Teaching – Recognizing Transformational Learning and six faculty members were honored for teaching excellence.