Campus Life

Resolution To Honor Texas A&M BUILD Project That Converts Shipping Containers To Clinics

May 1, 2017

The 40-foot long by 8-foot-wide containers built by Texas A&M students are now in use in numerous Caribbean countries.
The 40-foot long by 8-foot-wide containers built by Texas A&M students are now in use in numerous Caribbean countries.
By Keith Randall, Texas A&M University Marketing and Communications

The Texas House of Representatives is expected to adopt a state resolution Wednesday (May 3) that honors BUILD, a Texas A&M University student organization that constructs medical clinics made from shipping containers.

The resolution specifically recognizes the 12 for 12 service project carried out during the past three years in which 12 Texas Aggie Medical Clinics were constructed from shipping containers by more than 3,500 student volunteers in honor of the 12 Aggies who lost their lives during the 1999 Bonfire collapse.

The resolution will be presented and read by State Rep. John Raney, a 1969 Texas A&M graduate who represents District 14 which includes Bryan-College Station.

Shipping container interior.
Shipping container interior.

The 40-foot long by 8-foot-wide containers are now in use in numerous Caribbean countries, says Amanda Wolken, CEO of BUILD and a junior from Austin.

“These clinics are now being used by people who have had little or no access to medical care,” she explains.

“They are now in used in Honduras, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, Guatemala and other countries. They are helping hundreds of thousands of people and are saving lives.

“We are grateful that this accomplishment is being recognized by the Texas House of Representatives and hope that this recognition will provide greater awareness to BUILD so we can help more people in need of medical services in developing countries.”

Wolken says the group continues to raise more than $100,000 in donations to fund construction of the containers, which once completed are fully equipped with electricity, plumbing and insulation.


For more about BUILD, go to

Students Honoring Victims Of Bonfire Tragedy With Ambitious Project


Contact: Amanda Wolken at (512) 925-9724 or

Or Keith Randall, News & Information Services, at (979) 845-4644 or

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