Tuition Hearing Set For Feb. 9
As required by Texas Education Code, Section 54.0513(f), the Board of Regents of The Texas A&M University System will hold a public hearing to receive input from students and the public regarding the proposed change in undergraduate nonresident designated tuition for Texas A&M University to be effective with the Fall 2017 Semester.
Dating Violence Expert Dr. Kelly Wilson To Share Prevention Tactics Feb. 13
In an effort to support Step In Stand up, Texas A&M’s university-wide mission of eliminating sexual violence on campus, leading dating violence researcher Dr. Kelly Wilson will lead two discussions on the importance of dating violence prevention Monday, Feb. 13.
Last Day For Students And Residents To Sign Up For Big Event Feb. 17
Students and residents have until Feb. 17 to register for Big Event 2017 or request a job.
Meritorious Service Award Winners Announced
The President’s Meritorious Service Awards recognize and reward staff for their commendable service to the university. Organizers say the recipients of this highly prestigious award have demonstrated their commitment to the Aggie core values of excellence, integrity, leadership, loyalty, respect and selfless service.
Staff Appreciation Week 2017 Set For Feb. 27 Through March 3
Staff Appreciation Week (SAW) at Texas A&M will begin on Monday, Feb. 27 and continue through Friday, March 3. The week will feature a variety of fun and inspirational activities designed to show appreciation for the diligent and enthusiastic efforts of staff members throughout the year.