TIGM Announces Program Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Texas Institute for Genomic Medicine (TIGM) has announced the formation of a Program Advisory Committee (PAC) to provide more direct interaction between System faculty and TIGM administrative and scientific staff.
The PAC is charged with representing the interests of faculty investigators who utilize TIGM resources. Officials say the PAC will be actively involved in the operation of the TIGM facilities in Houston and College Station, especially as these relate to promotion of collaborative scientific programs between TIGM and its partners.
The PAC will also be asked to consider research programs and funding opportunities for scientists using TIGM resources, along with the recruitment of academic faculty and research scientists associated with TIGM, they add.
Finally, they say the PAC will provide input into the development of guidelines and procedures regarding access to TIGM resources. Founding members of the PAC, initially chaired by Richard Ewing and David Carlson, are: Danna Zimmer (CVM), Phillip Mirkes (CVM), Fuller Bazer (COALS), Robert Schwartz (HSC), Warren Zimmer (HSC), Melanie Ihrig (HSC), Rena D’Souza (HSC), James Martin (HSC), William Shawlot (TIGM), and Richard Finnell (TIGM). Any of these individuals may be contacted with questions or concerns.
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